here is something for bootskin lovers..

Jul 12, 2007 6:32 AM by Discussion: Customization Software

My problem is that
whenever i create logon using logon studio Welcome message does not appears on screen.

help me plz..

I am creating logons for win xp sp2
5 Replies Reply 2 Referrals

Jul 9, 2007 6:38 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
I dont know its right place to ask

Actually I submitted a bootskin named Spider_Man_3_New in bootskin library
they said moderation requires 5 days but now its a week and it is still in moderation..

however this skin is showing up in my gallery

this has never happened before plz help me
What should I do
I worked hard for creating this skin
3 Replies Reply 1 Referral

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